Power of Wealth - BWUA Collaboration with BSL

On March 20th, 2013, students learned how to transform their ideas into a reality through entrepreneurship. In collaboration with the Black Student League, BSL, the Black Wharton Undergraduate Association hosted 3 entrepreneurs, Kesi Gibson, Amarachi Enwereuzor, and Daniel White, as well as the moderator, Marvis Burns, in a panel discussion about entrepreneurship. Each of our guests brought forth an interesting perspective on the subject. Together, they explained that students should embrace the opportunities that follow them after graduation, to use each opportunity to help them to develop a strong business skill set, and make smart business decisions.

Nonetheless, the conversation between the panelist and the audience led to 3 powerful statements. The first from Enwereuzor who said, "Roll where you are planted." This lesson meant that if you ever feel like you are just a number or no one is helping you become succeed, you are more likely to leave that environment. The second quote was from White who said, "You can't build a sandcastle without wondering where the tides come in." White was inferring to the fact that no idea is unique and therefore you should be vocal and execute your idea to the best of your abilities. The final quote, which was repeated multiple times by our panelists, was, "Pursue your passion." They then explained that your passion was your commitment to your goals. You should not be afraid to test your abilities or seek out mentors to give you guidance. Also, its never a good idea to do what everyone else is doing: do what pushes you. The session ended with members asking panelists question over pizza from Allegro's Pizza.

If you have an interest in entrepreneurship, or any additional questions, please feel free to contact our panelists and moderator by email.

Kesi Gibson

Daniel White

Amarachi Enwereuzor

Marvis Burns
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