January GBM: Family Feud

Our first GBM of the year was geared towards enhancing our general bodies’ awareness of commonly used but sometimes difficult to understand financial terms. 

We believe that a balanced combination of fun and education can increase the certainty with which academic content is remembered. Therefore we sought to understand and broaden members' understanding of these terms, by making use of the structure of one of this generations most watched TV game shows: Family feud

Volunteers were placed into teams of five which them went on to face off against each other. 

Our President, Anthony Perry, and VP of External, Justin Hash, played the role of Steve Harvey for the night

And what would a BWUA GBM be without amazing food

Not only did the GBM serve as a great educational experience with delicious food on the side, but, due to its being the first of the year,  members got the chance to catch up with each other after the winter break.

Thanks to all of you who came out to support. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

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